Product Support
Create Menu
Menu without modifier

1. Go to Edit Menu

2. Click on the "..." to create menu group

3. Go to Menu Groups

4. Select "+" to add menu groups

5. Add Menu Group Description and Save

6. Drag and Drop the menu folder to the Main Menu

7. Go to Product to create product under the menu 

8. Select "+" to add new product

9. Key in Product details and select Send to Kitchen Display or Printers

10. Save after create the product

11. Select the menu group, drag and drop the item to the submenu

Menu with Modifiers

1. Go to "Modifiers", Select "+" to create new modifiers

2. Create Modifiers Details, add modifier groups

3. Create Modifier Group

4. Select Modifier Groups for the modifier

5. Back to the Product Page, create New Product, select modifier group and Auto Prompt Modifier